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Are Yin Energy and Feminine Energy the Same?
We humans have learned some concepts from other cultures throughout history and have always interpreted these concepts in our own culture.
Especially when translating the concepts that have entered our language from eastern philosophies, the meaning remains rather shallow.
This is exactly how it is; Since the concept of yin-yang is translated as feminine-masculine in our language, it creates a sharp distinction in the minds and pushes them to define based on gender.
Since feminine energy means female in Turkish, meaning “forming eggs, fertilized by males, giving birth to offspring”; You may be perceiving it as being related to these abilities alone and alone.
After all, language is a tool that allows us to describe the universe. The way language defines it, the knowledge settles in the mind. So when we say feminine energy, it’s common to confuse it with being feminine. Yin energy takes us to a more inclusive place. Yes, it means feminine energy, but it’s much more than that.
Yin represents water,
flow, surrender, depth.
It reminds you of the sides of yourself that you do not dare to see.
It reminds of that huge void inside of us all.
It is a belief in the greater than you, holy or not.
Everything is not/can be under your control.
It is to soften, to stand by yourself in spite of everyone and everything.
Opening a space, being able to receive, means saying yes to what comes.
And to say yes to those who leave.
Knowing not to hold on, to see the big picture.
Being able to listen. To realize that it really isn’t there.
To place all these faculties in a reproductive place means to take only part of the yin energy. However, when there is beyond, when there is always more, why settle for a limited view?
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