Buse Çetin

Total: 24 sessions (6 months)

Session time 90′

Expire time: 12 months

The language of course is Turkish.

Course Definition:

Anatolian Belly Dance is an ancient type of dance, as old as humanity. It is a ritual where the rhythm moves our bodies as one, our emotions overflow and clarify. Even though it is considered to be a performing art in pop culture, its purpose is to deepen serenity within us and our connection to the ground. Dancing with our belly that embraces our life energy, looking inside it is a magical journey to our inner world. Belly dance is also an accessible, plain, sustainable and fun tool for our physical health. It is the best exercise for the health of our spines and to support the youth of our bodies. I present this course with a multidisciplinary vision as a guide for everyone’s own body, regardless of their gender.

Course Achievements

Belly dancing doesn’t only have positive effects on inter organ health, on the circulatory system, breathability, spinal elasticity, on the nervous system, mobility, joint durability, on movement capacity, controlling the body, muscle strength and durability, on moisture and fluid balance of the body. It is also;

a A naïve way to connect with our yin energy,

a Perfect to live and liberate our emotions,

a A space to discover our poetry,

a A symbol of fertility and abundance,

a A tool to become one with the music and embrace our culture,

a Gently unleashes your creativity,

a A reminder to think with our bellies,

a Makes us feel inside our bodies to the brim and embodies us,

a Makes it easier for us to stay in the moment and live our lives,

a Supports our sexual freedom.

What will you learn?

You will gain spinal awareness built with Somatic Dialog and Anatolian Belly Dance exercises at its core, you will learn to relax the belly, ground down, combine elements with dans, build structures and sense yin energy in the dance. You will explore waves in movement, coordination, you will practise to improve your sense of rhythm. You will practise watching the dance and getting used to being watched and you will learn basic dance terms and principles.

Eğitimimiz KDV dahil 5700₺'dir. (Aylık 950₺)


Access to course recordings is limited (12 months) All rights to the course content are reserved by Dance.Yin Buse Çetin (Dance Focused Feminine Energy). Any unauthorized copying, use or sharing of the contents will be subject to legal sanctions.

1. Ay


Birinci ay göbeğe ve omurgaya nazikçe bağlanmanın ve dalgalanma tekniklerini algılamanın çalışmalarını içerir. Bir ders doğaçlama, bir ders teknik ders yapılarak dans dengelenir.

4 videos
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes

2. Ay


İkinci ay, bedeni kasarak taşımak yerine yere bırakmanın yolları ve kendi içimizde akışkanlığı bulmanın yöntemlerine değinir. İkinci ayda "Elementler Serisi" olarak tasarladığım sistemin ilk su elementiyle tanışılır.

4 videos
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes

3. Ay


Üçüncü ayda bedeni hizalamak ve güçlendirmek hedeflenir. Güçlenmek için bedende nasıl bağlar kurulması gerektiği, toprak elementinin nitelikleri beden ve dans üzerinden işlenir.

4 videos
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes

4. Ay


Dördüncü ayda hava elementine geçiş yapılır. Harekette hafiflik, kolların kullanımı, göbek dansına şalın entegrasyonu gibi konular çalışılır. Dördüncü ay ilk üç aya göre daha hızlı ve dinamik bir ders modülüdür.

4 videos
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes

5. Ay


Beşinci ayda ateş elementine geçilir. Göbeği titretmek, bedeni titretmek, patlayan hareketler ve devamlılık çalışır. Bu modülde katılımcının naifliğiyle kendini iteleme gücünün birleştirilmesine odaklanılır.

4 videos
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes

6. Ay


Eğitimin son modülünde, tüm öğrenilenler "yapı kurmak" için detaylandırılır, koreografi becerileri ve dansın içinde bedenine bağlı kalarak eğlenmenin formülleri sunulur. Göbekle yapabileceğimiz hareketlerin daha derinine inilir ve göbeğin sonsuzluğu hatırlanır.

4 videos
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes
Video: Brutal yet naive
75 minutes


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