Will My Dance Improve If I Just Dance the Way I Feel Like?

 Will My Dance Improve If I Just Dance the Way I Feel Like?
Oca 25, 2024

Will My Dance Improve If I Just Dance the Way I Feel Like?

We all do not want to just move robotically; We want emotions, feelings and even beyond to be included in the dance. So dance, unlike sports; As we act, it offers us the opportunity to become emotional animals. And by going through all emotions, or rather by witnessing all emotions pass through us, we are freed from the conditioning we put ourselves into.

Just as every field in this life has one or more of its own techniques; dancing also has many techniques and we gravitate towards the one that seems most suitable to us. In my opinion, the presence of the instructor teaching the dance and their approach to dance are more effective factors than the type of the dance itself. You can also experience this from training on other subjects.

If you are doing yoga; Rather than the type of yoga, the approach style of the instructor who offers you yoga guidance, and the balance of structuring and encouraging to creativity play a greater role in your learning. No one can nourished by an approach that put them into pressure of one way.

Because we are all different structures and educating ourselves is primarily about perceiving this.

Dance wants to be felt throughout the body. And we can never go to the whole body.

This is what makes dance an endless journey.

Once we understand that we all have different temperament, it becomes easier to understand that we will have different desires and needs in dance practice. Just as each of us will have different ways of learning information, our shortcomings, the things we emulate, and the parts that excite or tire us will be different. While some people enjoy practicing technique, some people feel like they are dancing when they improvise. Some people speed up and get excited; some people slow down and they feel deeper then they say "Yes, I'm dancing now." 

Let's start by understanding that there is no single right way here.

We just have different needs and sometimes different habits, that's all.


Exactly such questions can be answered in a surprising and multidimensional way in the fields of art and hobby. If you only use dance to relax, enjoy or broke a sweat, of course you will dance to your heart's content. A music will play and you can sway and jump around it as you wish.

The important question here is: Are you satisfied after this? Do you feel different than when you started? Or do you feel blockages or disconnections in the flow of some feelings or experiences into the body?

If you only use dance for fun and relaxation, you can of course dance freely, such as you do at concerts or weddings.

However, the important point here is this: the more we limit ourselves in dance practices, the more free we become over time.


We humans believe that we will find ourselves when we are left completely free; but that is not the case on the world plane. We need structures and boundaries in the world, and we need to experiment patiently within them. So that when we set ourselves completely free, we meet the creativity of going places we haven't been.

For example: you may be someone who habitually uses your arms and turn them on in dance, that's fine; but then the dance doesn't flow to your legs because you like to move around your arms since your arms take the leading role. In a dance exercise that is recommended for you to try with only your right leg; When the appropriate configuration is created, you can discover activations and integrity that you have never experienced before.

Dance wants to be felt throughout the body. And we can never go to the whole body.

This is what makes dance an endless journey.

What's even more magical is that when you try to dance with your right leg, it may seem strange to you, you will get bored of trying to do it, or you will have a hard time moving it. But when you manage to stay within this limit and connect with your leg, you can feel that even your arms move completely differently and connect through different channels, finding a new expression. In other words, dancing within these limits does not separate you from your loved ones and habits, but also allows you to develop there.

In summary; When we dance to improve our practice, it is good to be subject to certain limits; but also sometimes we just release the body to dance without any limits and watch what happens.

Whatever the mood may be, it is certain that dance will bring us vitality.